Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Iphone Apps vs Mobile Web vs Android vs... The winner is...

... Apple!

Yesterday night I attended a Mobile Monday meeting in Düsseldorf about current trends in mobile development, namely native apps (Iphone, Android, ...) vs browser-based web applications.
The meeting did not make me change my mind about the best opportunities the market is offering these days to smart developers. I actually think there's a winner around, Apple, and its mobile eco-system (Iphone, Ipod, Ipad, ...).
Why? A few reasons here:
  1. Apple Iphone Apps and the App Store proofed to be effective, changing the mobile standards and defining a brand new profitable business model paradigm; the other main actors (including Google, I would say) are making their moves, of course, but they are all, still, behind
  2. Objective C's popularity is quickly increasing, but still there are not as many good OC developers on the market as many web developers or java developers. Have a look to the job offers and you'll be quickly convinced that learning OC is not a waste of time on a career perspective.
  3. The market requires Iphone developers: loads of major companies want a branded Iphone application because it's cool, because it contributes positively to the brand, because the Iphone is de facto  the "smart phone" par excellence. An example to make my point clear: http://www.tecnisa.com.br/lp-iphone.html. Tecnisa is one of the major brazilian construction firms, and they have a branded Iphone app, beautifully advertised in their website. No Android application, did you notice it?
  4. Have you ever browsed your huge collection of porn pictures on an Ipad (come on, I know you DO have a huge collection of porn pictures, and you DO know who Peter North, Davide Jannello and Jenna Jameson are...)? The truth is: Apple devices are the coolest around (but I'm looking forward to see Casio mobile devices!!!).
Prepare to buy my applications on the Apple Store!

Of course I know you still can make loads of money developing "traditional" Web Apps, or Android Apps or.. whatever. Even developing python scripts or java command-line tools for DBA's or Sys-Admins. Probably even playing a Calabash-made harp-lute. It all depends on three factors:
  1. How smart you are
  2. How business oriented you are
  3. How lucky you are!


  1. I don't agree with your analisys.

    While all the world is going to web application mobiles are going to desktop application. This cannot work.

    And another thing about i-phone:
    you can lie to few people for long time, and you can lie to the world for a while, but you cannot lie to the world for long time.

    The fact is: how long does it take "for a while" for i-phone?...

    I change my mind: I agree with you. For the moment.

    MC from Milan.

  2. Further examples besides tecnisa: Dolce e Gabbana, Immobilenscpit24 Germany - http://www.dolcegabbana.it/mobile/ , http://itunes.apple.com/de/app/mein-umzug/id362075996?mt=12
